2022-23 Program Structure
8U Program Costs
(2014 and 2015 birth years)
- 1 practice per week in season
- 2 Tournaments
- Goalie Coach
- Team practice jerseys
- Must register with PHHL to participate
10U AA and A Level Program Costs
(2012 and 2013 birth years)
- 2 practices per week in season
- 40 + games consisting of EJEPL League schedule, showcases, playoffs, and tournaments
- 3 day mini-camp August
- Goalie Coach
- Team practice jerseys
12U AA and A Level Program Costs
(2010 and 2011 birth years)
- 2 practices per week in season
- 40 + games consisting of EJEPL League schedule, showcases, playoffs, and tournaments
- 3 day mini-camp August
- Goalie Coach
- Team practice jerseys
14U AA and A Level Program Costs
(2008 and 2009 birth years)
- 2 practices per week in season
- 40 + games consisting of EJEPL League schedule, showcases, playoffs, and tournaments
- 3 day mini-camp August
- Goalie Coach
- Team practice jerseys
16U AA and A Level Program Costs
(2006 and 2007 birth years)
- 2 practices per week in season
- 40 + games consisting of EJEPL League schedule, showcases, playoffs, and tournaments
- 3 day mini-camp August
- Goalie Coach
- Team practice jerseys